2014 CNBLUE LIVE – Can’t Stop in Kuala Lumpur 티켓 예매 안내 14.06.02 10027


FNC 엔터테인먼트입니다.

2014 CNBLUE LIVE – Can’t Stop in 쿠알라룸푸르 콘서트가89일 오후730 Stadium Negara에서 진행할 예정입니다.

* 그라운드 티켓 판매: 5 17일 오후5-오후9시까지

* 그라운드 티켓 판매 장소: Sungei Wang Plaza concourse area (처음 티켓을 구매한 1,000명에게는 콘서트 포스터를 드립니다.)

* 온라인 티켓판매: 517일 저녁 10시부터, TicketCharge(에서 예매가능

* 오프라인 티켓판매: 5 19일부터 지정된 티켓판매 장소에서 구매 가능

*오프라인 티켓판매 장소: TicketCharge 사무실/Speedy 뮤직스토어/Rock Corner 뮤직스토어/

                                  Victoria 뮤직센터/Neway Karaoke/Celcom blue cube

* 문의 전화: TicketCharge 티켓구매 직통전화 03-92228811

                IME Productions 티켓구매 직통전화 011-23166198 

2014 CNBLUE LIVE – Can’t Stop in Kuala Lumpur

Date&Time: August, 9th, 2014, 7:30PM

Venue: Stadium Negara

Ground ticket sales: May 17th, 2014, From 5PM to 9PM

Ground ticket sales place: Sungei Wang Plaza concourse area

First 1000 purchasers come together with an exclusive giant concert poster.

Online ticket sales: May 17th, 2014 at 10PM, TicketCharge(

You may purchase ticket sales from May 19th, 2014 at following place below.

TicketCharge office/Speedy Music store/Rock Corner Music store/Victoria Music Center/Neway Karaoke/Celcom blue cube

For more information, please contact TicketCharge hotline (603)92228811 or IME Productions at (011)23166198.

 2014 CNBLUE LIVE - Can't Stop 吉隆坡站


演出地點:Stadium Negara


現場售票地點:Sungei Wang Plaza concourse area




線下售票地點:TicketCharge 辦公室/Speedy Music Store/Rock Corner Music Store/

                   Victoria Music Center/Neway Karaoke/Celcom blue cube

更詳細的內容可以通過TicketCharge售票熱線03-92228811IME Productions售票熱線011-23166198詢問。

NEXT 2014 CNBLUE LIVE – Can’t Stop in Guangzhou 티켓 예매 안내 (수정) 14.06.02 10900
PREV 2014 CNBLUE LIVE – Can’t Stop in Taipei 티켓 예매 안내 14.06.02 11969

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