스타와 함께하는 자리에 항상 FNC Entertainment가 함께 하겠습니다



  • 01.

    When submitted an application via e-mail, the title of the e-mail should be standardized.
    e.g.) “China 2014 FNC Global audition – Name”

  • 02.

    All applicants under the age of 17 need the consent of a legal guardian.

  • 03.

    “Experience” means, all your experiences including similar experiences at other entertainment organizations, such as trying out for another audition, participating in competitions, and being trained at other facilities or academies.

  • 04.

    The photo that has to be attached on this form should not be retouched by any graphic tool.

  • 05.

    FNC Entertainment retains the right to the copies of all the recorded or filmed audition materials.

  • 06.

    FNC Entertainment will send individual emails to each applicant to announce the results.

  • 07.

    FNC Entertainment will not use applicants' personal information for other purposes, but may use the audition results for future auditions.

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